Friday, November 7, 2008

Odds and ends

Good thing--my disability has been extended. Now I can rest when I need to and not feel guilty about not pounding the pavement for a new job.
Good thing--I had a baseline echocardiagram on Tuesday. It proved that however black it may be, I do in fact have a heart, and it is in excellent working condition.
Bad thing--after the echo, I had blood work done for yesterday's doctor appt. Not only am I still anemic, but my red blood count is lower than it was in September when I finished radiation. That's not fair. so I was sent off for more blood work after the appointment. Results to follow, I'm assuming.
Good thing--my weight is officially down. Officially only three pounds since September, but that's three pounds I didn't put on. Pushing myself out of the house to Curves must be working somewhat. And not buying chips and cookies may be helping too.
Good thing--I'm still above the grass, as Lee used to say, and have survived all the assaults that my body has received this year. I guess that's the best thing. The anemia will get straightened out. All the feeling will come back to my fingers and toes--or not. The perfect job will find me or I will find it. I can travel again. I have the best friends anyone could ask for.
So there you have it for today.


Bertamom said...

It's a good day when there's more good news than bad! I'm sure glad you're doing better. Healing can be a slow process, but as long as it moves mostly forward, it's all good. Love you!

Victoria said...

Hey-- haven't read this in a couple of days. You're right that if you disappear under the covers, life will still be there waiting, but it's also totally fine to be unhappy with stuff and not optimistic sometimes. Pity parties are sometimes necessary (as someone who has had recent experience with them). It's been a crappy year. No doubt about it.

Big hug to you!