Monday, January 19, 2009

Same old ...

My sister reminded me that I haven't blogged in a while, which can either mean I'm feeling beyond crappy, nothing much has been going on, or I'm so busy I haven't had time to write. In this case it should be choice number 2--pretty dull. I'm feeling remarkably good for someone who had chemo last week. My red blood count is finally creeping up so I have a bit more energy. Some of the Bethany elves came over Saturday morning and we took the tree down. I hated to see it go--it was so pretty and such a reminder of how much I am loved, but it was time--I think it was either Princess Caroline or Stephanie of Monaco's birthday. Now if I put away the nativity sets it will really look like Christmas is over.
Saturday afternoon & evening I went to the Peninsula York Rite installations--three of them. I could have just gone for the last one--Golden Gate Commandery #16, because I had a function to perform at that installation. I presented the outgoing Commander with Lee's Past Commander's Jewel. Bill Hedrix is a fine man and Lee would have been proud to see his pin going to Bill. It got a little weepy after that. The men of the York Rite still hold Lee in high regard and miss him--or feel his presence at their practices. Lee was a Mason's Mason. He loved being part of the fraternity, always wanted to learn more about the craft, and always had a big smile for his Brothers. So I went to three installations in one day in his memory, even though I'd just had chemo--but as you've seen, so far I'm doing well with it.
Yesterday was devoted go church and football. Today was Curves and grocery shopping. Not very exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, considering that you only took the tree down, hit three different Peninsula York Rite installations, managed church and a little time for football, Curves and grocery shopping- all after chemo-may I rudely add, I can quite see how you consider your life extremely DULL right now.

I mean, I really FEEL for you, poor thing. You haven’t had any house fires to put out, no neighborhood domestic quarrels, no recent 911s for stair-vacuuming, I mean, darling, things are simply too tepid.

I am raking my brain, knowing as I do, how hard it is to keep your brain gainfully employed.

DO NOT DESPAIR! Your friend will think of something!

Have you ever considered kangaroo wrangling?

As ever, your pal,