Friday, April 10, 2009

Chemo 2.5

Was actually yesterday. There were some problems getting it started--these things happen with ports. It is still better than starting an IV each time. It starts with the lidocaine, then they access the port with a huge, blunt needle (hence the lidocaine--I don't feel the poking around with the huge, blunt needle). The first thing they do is draw blood to see if it is a oint where you can get chemo. Mine didn't want to come out. We tried different positions. We tried heprin. We tried saline. Stuff was going in but not out. There was always the possibility of going in with an IV, but they don't like to do that with my chemo, doxil, just in case it leaks out. Oh, goody. Finally, they tried something like draino for veins. They pushed that in and let it sit for 20 minutes or so. Woopie, blood! And my counts were good. Hemoglobin is up to 11.6, which is still under the 12 they would like to see, but way better than the 9 something it was all fall. First the steroid and nausea meds, then the red-orange doxil--90 cc's at 1 cc/minute. Watching it doesn't make it go faster. My doctor stopped by to visit. She spoke sternly (hard to do for such a little one) when I told her about my cold. But hey, it was just a little cold. I'd have called her if I'd run a fever--which I never do. Next time (should there be one), I'll let her know I've got a cold. The doxil was finally all in, followed by saline to push the last little bits in, and a heprin flush for the port. Whew. We reviewed my calendar--I couldn't get an early appointment May 7--can't run into Glenn's work time. I could take myself there and back and if not, I have plenty of friends who could get me there and back, but Glenn likes to be there. So we get to go one day out. Next appt May 8.
It wasn't bad yesterday. I started getting a little flushed at our Eastern Star meeting--my Dex flush, but it was practically the shortest meeting on record, so there you are. I was a little nauseaus when I got home, but my drugs worked for that.
Today I felt well enough to pull a bag of weeds. There is lots more to do, but I'm pacing myself. I have some abdominal pain, but not bad.
There is great excitement tomorrow--I have a consult with my hair stylist! I don't think it's time to cut yet, but I want her to look it, check the texture, curls, etc, and make a plan. It hasn't shown signs of coming out with this chemo, so we might as well get things in motion.
That's it for now.

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