Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom's Day 2009

I'm feeling way better today than I did last Mother's Day--last year it fell during orc season. I remember my niece and nephew came over and barbecued for me. This year, Elaine and her family came over with a picnic--a late one, but a picnic all the same. She cleaned my kitchen counter, no small task, and we had do it yourself sandwiches, potato salad, cucumber salad, chips, and pie. And late was OK, since I overslept--missed church--and had breakfast around 11. My pills get confused when I don't eat at the accustomed time, but that's the only thing.
The rash--parts of it are getting better, but strange water blisters are popping up in strange places. I don't know whether to let Dr. Chee and/or the dermatologist know about that. I don't want to be whiney, but you never know what is important and what isn't.
Yesterday was a lovely day. We had our Spring Tea at church. I stuffed myself with good things then came home and took a three hour nap. I had a slight wide awake break then went to bed around 10--and slept. i woke up just before seven and decided that was just too early to get up on a Sunday--then slept till the phone rang just after 10.
That's it for now.


Bertamom said...

I think you should tell the docs everything - let them decide what's important and what's not. Missed you at church, but I'm glad it was for a good reason -- sleep is SO good! Picnic dinner sounds yummy to me - we had Dad burgers (no, burgers made BY Dad, not OF Dad!), grilled asparagus, and a nice red wine. Ollalieberry pie for dessert. It was a lovely day.

Victoria said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Sorry we couldn't come bbq yesterday--I was in Sacramento until the late afternoon.

Sounds like you are taking care of your body well... heal! heal!