Sunday, August 16, 2009

Social Butterfly

Oh, the excitement of it! I've been pretty stuck in the mud lately--let's face it, when you have Facebook you really don't need any other life. How many hours are there in a day? Facebook can fill them. But lately, I've been doing real things.

Yesterday afternoon, as I was trying to decide whether I felt good enough to drive 40 minutes to have an early dinner with friends, there was a knock on the door. It wasn't the raven, he taps on windows. It was my daughter and her SO, popping in for a surprise visit! What a treat. First thing I did was yank her into the computer room to show her a picture of her that had been posted on, you guessed it, Facebook. So here I am, sharing it with you. I think she was 17 or 18 there. It must have been somebody's installation, after she was Honored Queen. So thank you, Daphne (the one who posted it) for bringing back those days. We had a nice little visit. I have instructions to call her tomorrow and let her know the results of Tuesday's CAT scan. They stayed just long enough so that I could leave for the dinner and only be a few minutes late. That sealed it. Off I went to Los Altos for a really fun dinner with Eastern Star friends. I hadn't seen many of the people there in months. I've been a little remiss about posting e-mail updates, what with this vehicle that people can check or not, depending on how they feel. It's good to let people know that I'm still around and looking good, even if I don't always feel it.
Most of them went off to a reception--I knew I couldn't handle that--besides, it was Third Saturday, and that means Open Mic Night at church. We had a small but congenial crowd. The entertainment was good and the food was better--and I was home before nine. I must live in a really safe neighborhood, because when I got home the garage door was wide open--in my haste to get to Los Altos, I may not have waited to check that it closed. Oops. Anyway, nothing is missing. Of course, any burglar in his/her right mind, on seeing the interior of my house, would think that someone else had gotten there first and trashed it. Stuff safe.
Today I had church, then a Worship Committee meeting after church. The meeting was made all the more pleasant by a band of pain around my upper abdomen. It is something that comes and goes. When it comes, it stays for half an hour to an hour and I just want to die right there on the spot, then it goes away, leaving me exhausted. There is simply no way to get comfortable and nothing really makes it better. i sort of squirmed around in my seat and tried to stay focused. It wasn't easy.
After the meeting, I had about an hour to regroup, then it was off to an Eastern Star Tea, seeing more friends that I haven't seen in months, and assuring them all that I'm still kicking--a little more difficult post-pain. I ate myself stupid on lovely little cookies and had tea in a delicate cup. A good, if really warm, time was had be all. When I'd grazed sufficiently, I came home where I could finally take something strong for the pain and get out of my heels.
Now I'm back at the computer, playing my silly games and updating you. And yes, I will let you all know the results of the latest CAT scan.

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