Saturday, February 21, 2009

The excitement continues

It is truly amazing how the universe conspires to find little things to fill our days. Yesterday, the mail included a jury summons for Lee. I thought about ignoring it--so he doesn't show up on the appointed day--try to serve him with a warrant. But no, I was a good girl. I called them. I told them that he would be unable to serve because he's dead. And working there in the court system is a friend who went to his funeral, just in case they needed instant verification. Naturally, a phone call wasn't enough. I have to send back the summons with the same information. There's no box to check off under the "I can not serve" space that says "because I'm dead," so I checked off the "I'm 70 or older and medically unable to serve." Under the reason, I put "died, 8-9-07." I miss these little telephone interactions. I used to have them all day on the job.
Saw the oncologist--I'm still handling the chemo well. As I thought, I'll have another CAT scan after the next one. Oh, by the way, I had what I think was a gall bladder attack on Wednesday. Well, that's not good, but not impossible and not really related to the cancer. But off to the bloodsuckers and this time we'll include liver function tests. It's getting so that every time I go past Peninsula Hospital I think I need to swing in and have them take blood--just in case.
This morning, I took Glenn to at Eastern Star brunch. There was a good turn out, so we were very social. I'm not feeling especially good--stray pains here and there. I think it goes with the cancer journey. I had a practice in the afternoon for the Worthy Grand Matron's official visit. Fortunately, our chapter does its thing in the very beginning of the meeting, so I was able to do my part and come home. I'm mostly packed for the Sonoma trip. I have a good itinerary--not too much, not too little each day. Even though I know how badly we need the rain, I'm a little bummed that it will be stormy most of my time there. Maybe the storms have just been waiting till I have my little trips planned before they decide when to come.
PG&E is taking its sweet time finishing the job that started last week. They got the emergency repairs done on Sunday, but there are still wires looping low and another one that is coiled up on the walkway. I'm fairly certain it isn't live, but I told Glenn not to play in the backyard while I'm gone. If it is still there when I get back, I'll call them. Oh goody, telephone confrontation--keeping my skills up.
Hope I get to church tomorrow morning without any excitement at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, jury summons. And no, the system is not flexible. It’s a binomial system. Zeros and Ones. Yes or No. Alive or Dead is not an appropriate response. System will now crash.

My jury date is in March. If I thought Alive or Dead would work, I would let them know I am clinically dead. I’m sure my shrink would back me up.

Unfortunately it just takes TOO much effort.

But let’s get back to those live wires. Especially that suspicious coil in the walkway. Hmmm.

God, how I love utility companies. It shouldn’t take more than a month or two to finish off this little job. No, really, the simpler, the longer. That’s the rule. We can’t start making exceptions just because you are NICE. Or pay your bill on time. People would get really . . er . . p’ed off.

Darling, gall bladder pain - OW. I know whereof you speak when it comes to GB pain. If you have anymore GB attacks, I hope they can just whip the nasty little thing out and be done with it.

I mean, who needs it, anyway? Falls into that gray area in which ugly warts and your appendix land in, right?

Hope you have a safe and happy splashdown in Sonoma.
