Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mail call

I spent almost three hours in the dentist chair today with quarts of anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and my mouth held open with the whole office in it at one time or another it seemed. The mail was here when I got home, and among the bills and ads was a thinking of you card from my friends at the Spa at the Sonoma Mission Inn. Now how many people get that? I feel so loved. I'll be back there in 12 days, but that card couldn't have come at a better time. I feel like a Hallmark ad, with happy tears. My mouth is still numb, and will be for hours, I expect. I'll choke down some yogurt for lunch, because it requires no chewing. After my soap opera, it will be time to check in with my primary care and let him know how I'm doing. I may just sleep all day tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Yeow ow

Like I’m glad and all that you had your dental work done.

But, gadzooks, gal. I know how it feels. Hope you’re stocked up on all your delicious pain meds. Love alone does not make the world go round, no matter what the lyrics say.

Pills plus a mighty supply of yogurt, soup-cold or warm, Jell-O, ambrosia salad, and other delectable soft treats.

Great pic of you and Gretchen.



Victoria said...

Mmmm..... Sonoma Mission Inn. How lovely to look forward to!