Saturday, March 14, 2009

Full of Music

So much has happened since my last post. Dentist on Wednesday. I have a shiny new crown that I hope will be there for years to come. Since I was already there, they did my semi-annual cleaning too, saving me coming back on the 31st. I guess that was good. I was numb, but it did mean more holding my mouth open a little wider. But my teeth are now all pretty.
Thursday was chemo--not bad. I have yet to feel an orc this round. I feel little pacmen that I visualize eating the tumor and the lymph nodes. The CAT scan is Monday, so we shall see what's going on. I really wanted to collapse when we got home, but there were still things to do to get the house ready for my sister. I'd studied my favorite cookbook and came up with two things I'd never made but that looked good. We had a beef barley vegetable soup on Thursday. Last night I made a Basque Lamb stew. Both were quite yummy. Gretchen went out to dinner with her daughter tonight.
Today was our Ceili at church. Pronounced Kay-lee. Scottish spelling ceilidh. A social gathering with music, singing, dancing, food, and friendship. The Band, Anne and the Bethany Brawlers, had 33 numbers to play, split into three sections, with jokes, singing, dancing, and food, lots of food, in between. The music was great. The band has such a great sound. We are blessed with many musicians at church, I just play the notes on the page, the things the guys can do with harmony are amazing. The tunes will be running through my head for days to come. Good thing--we have a couple more gigs coming up. God willing, I'll be up for the fifth annual Ceili next year, on the Saturday closed to St. Pat's day. Now I'm going to put my feet up and rest and wait for Gretchen to come home. I haven't seen much of her, but she has been enjoying her conference. I am happy to provide bed and breakfast for her, along with a little visiting.


~KQ~ said...

The Ceili was great!! And the music - oh, my. You know, people are probably paying GOOD money this week to hear Irish music played not-that-well. Well done!
St. Pat's day 2010 is on a Wednesday, smack dab in the middle of the week. Will the Ceili be on the 13th or the 20th?

Bertamom said...

KQ's right - the Ceili was wonderful! Laura's only complaint: not enough dancing!