Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The latest scoop

I set the alarm for 4:45 yesterday morning. I got my friend, Meg, to the hospital in plenty of time. I waited, napped, and knit while she was in surgery and talked to Dr. Gorgeous when he was done. All sent well. I went to see her this afternoon and had to remind myself that she'd had surgery yesterday. She's on good drugs.
I was home by 10:30 and spent most of the day napping. 4 anything is really early in the morning.
I saw my primary care this afternoon. He's doing well, so we can put off plan B for a while. He isn't saying what kind of cancer he has, but he's already had three chemo cycles and is handling it well with good results. Keep praying for him, because I really like him and I don't want to have to find a new doctor. I'm feeling good. I have stray fungus infections that are popping up on my skin, but I got something for it today. It seems to be a side effect of all the other fun stuff I'm doing. I visited with Meg in the hospital after my appointment, then stopped off to get my prescription filled and finally got home around six.
Glenn had the day off and worked like a Trojan cleaning the bathroom until it fair sparkles. We ordered Chinese for dinner and were about to settle down for a nice mom and son dinner when I was reminded that we had a ceili practice at church tonight and I set the time for 7. Yikes! I had 15 minutes to eat. Good thing the food came a little earlier than they said to expect it. Practice went well. Wish we had time to get together before Saturday, but we don't so I guess I'd better do some practicing on my own--between the dentist tomorrow and chemo on Thursday.
That's it for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that your friend’s surgery went well. One less ping in life’s engine. At least for today.

Also, I’m pleased about your doctor. A good doctor isn’t always easy to find. An honestly caring doctor, almost impossible. A truly fine friend of a doctor is just a miracle to be thankful for at any time.

I expect you and the Bethany Brawlers will have a wicked time at the ceili on Satyr-day. I expect you will come home with a new raft of “A priest and a rabbi walked into a bar” jokes to share with us all.

Kidding and calving aside, I do expect you to come back with the cream of the joke crop. Maybe some about leprechauns and faeries and rainbows and such.
