Monday, March 16, 2009


I felt pretty wretched Saturday night--I think little orclets were starting to work on my tumor. Gretchen went out to dinner with her daughter, so I waited up for her to let her in the house. We exchanged comments on our individual days, then went to bed.
Got up at 0 dark hundred to get Gretchen up yesterday. I got to sleep another half hour while she got ready to go, then I got up and made coffee and we breakfasted. We got her off for the last of her workshops and the drive home and I went back to bed to read...and sleep. The next thing I knew, it was 9:30 and I barely got to church on time. I slept most of the afternoon.
I had to get up at 6:30 again this morning to eat my breakfast before the CAT scan--no food or drink three hours before you arrive at radiology. They were doing a land office business at the hospital--the parking lot was crazy. Fortunately, they have free valet parking, which I learned to use when I went every day for my radiation treatments. I checked in and was given my lovely contrast to drink--they say one cup every 10 minutes, but if you sip it, you just fill up when the cup is empty. The last cup is saved to drink in the CAT scan room--a little added treat.
At the appointed time, they took me back to change into a gown, then I was escorted back to the room. Drink the last cup of stuff, get on the table, get positioned--oops, take off my necklace--back into position, get the IV started for more contrast, then zip, zip, we were done and I got to go home. I still felt pretty wretched, so I rested most of the afternoon. Oh, and drank water. Eight cups to flush out all that lovely contrast fluid I'd been filled with earlier. I suppose I can call for the results later this week--I don't see Dr. Chee till the 26th. I'm hoping things have continued to shrink. I'm still tolerating the Doxil fairly well, so I'm guessing that I'll have a few more cycles before Monica and I go to Canada.
That's about it for today. I still have about a cup of water left to drink. I think I'm retaining a lot of it, because I feel like the Pillsbury Doughboy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Anne,
just checkin' in on you. helps me know specifically what to pray for you. What tunes did you play for the cailedgh??


Anonymous said...

Dear Pillsbury Doughgirl,

I am so glad you have the scanner dye to drink. It should keep you from imbibing more dangerous stuff like poor old Van Gogh. The wrong colorful hooch and you just get crazy.

And plain old aqua wouldn’t wash it out very well, either. You’d probably have to drink some evil kind of thinner and, yuckko: that just would be icky.

The special space age dye is probably much safer. And no doubt lights up under radiation a lot better. But, I don’t know. White cadmium is pretty bright stuff . . .

Sounds like the ceili was magnificently successful. I hope you tape one of them sometime!



Bertamom said...

Ooo - tape the ceili! What a great idea! Now we gotta wait a whole year -- oh well. Hope you're feeling better & got all of that nasty stuff outta your system. See you tonight for knitting? And the movie isn't until next week - we'll do "Little Miss Sunshine" next Wed -