Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sneaking in on the end of the Month

I think there was a time when I blogged every day.  I think that's ancient history.
There was Jennifer's installation on the 11th.  it was a very long day.  I had to get to Antioch early because they have a Veteran's Day parade down the main street--and that would be where the Masonic Temple is.  I got a good spot on a side street and knit until the temple was opened  We had installation practice, then I knit until it was time to change for the installation.  It was nice, as installations go.  The retiring Worthy Matron was quite old and feeble, but when it came to Ritual, she was top notch.  After seeing so many people read their work, it was really nice to hear it done well--and done from memory.
I left shortly after the installation was over.  It was already getting dark, and it had been a long day.  I got home a little after six--in time to catch a showing of The Return of the King.  I cried buckets.  I was supposed to be packing, too, because I was finally going to Sonoma.  I managed to throw everything together.  I made great time and made it there in plenty of time for my first treatment.  I was there four nights and five days.  That's a lot of pampering and loving.  I've been trying to get back there since July with no luck.  They still have my "Welcome Back, Anne" sign, which tickles me.  I wonder if the other guests wonder "Who's Anne, and why does she get a sign," but I don't care.  I love them, they love me, life is good.
I got home in time to cook the turkeys for our annual church Thanksgiving Dinner.  I had a lot of help and mostly just directed.  My math was a little off, so I way over seasoned the stuffing, but other than that, things were good.  I love filling the church with the smells of Thanksgiving.
Glenn and I postponed our celebration so we could have guests.  We ordered Chinese on Thursday.  Our preferred restaurant was closed, which is a good thing for them.  The food wasn't bad, just not as good as it could have been.  We had our celebration on Saturday.  Monica came over in the morning and helped me get the bird ready.  She hung out for the afternoon and let me take a much needed nap.  Ally joined us, as well as my friends Janis and Sam, who are moving to Oregon next month.  A delightful time was had by all.  I should entertain more.  I have lovely things and I like using them.  Of course, entertaining takes work, which takes energy, and I'm short on that.  I had a treatment Monday, have a doctor appointment this afternoon, and an echocardigram tomorrow--to see if that explains the lack of energy.  Elaine is having surgery on her neck tomorrow, but I don't have the necessary information, like where and what time.  I'm torn.  I should be there, but at the same time, I don't know how she would fee about it.  I'll keep the cardiology appointment.
That's it.  Hasn't been terribly exciting, but I'm still above ground, so that's a good thing.

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