Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm slipping

Life is still pretty uninteresting, but since I'm still up, I thought I would check in.  The all consuming activity has been getting the house ready to rent.  Not that I'm actually doing the work.  Elaine and Mark have been working like trojans.  They have become my property managers.  Elaine thinks, rightly so, that I'm somewhat of a babe in the woods when it comes to being a landlady.  As I explained to her tonight, the last time I personally rented a place to live it was 1972.  Elaine pretty much knows everything there is to know about renting.  I've really come to rely on her about this and I appreciate everything she's done.
I listed the house with UC faculty housing on Friday and put it on Craig's List yesterday afternoon.  Haven't heard anything from the university, but I've gotten 8 hits from Craig's List--seven of them last night.  I dutifully answered everything--then found ut after 10 tonight that my Outlook was misbehaving and none of the e-mails I've posted for the last10 or so days has gone out.  I did some screwing around with the computer and BINGO, everything went.  Those people who responded to the ad yesterday must think I'm so rude!  Now everyone that I e-mailed before today will just think I'm a little nuts.  Some of the e-mails will make no sense.
I remember when I first started using fax machines at work.  I'd get annoyed that they were sending slowly, then I'd think, "Wait a minute--this is a maricle, who cares how fast it is?"  I feel like that about e-mail.  It is a miracle that it works at all.
So, what have I been doing?  Same stuff--Curves three times a week and walking.  The last two times I did the trail I got to the end.  Guess I'm going to have to do something about my time now.  I pulled weeds this afternoon and thought myself very productive.
I just did a little more hunting on my computer and found another six responses to the Craig's List ad--responded to all of them and have several phone calls to make tomorrow.  It seems I have an embarassment of riches.  I was so worried about it.  Yikes--now people are responding to my late e-mails!  Will look at them and then it really is past my bedtime.

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

YK, I heard Abby and Eric were going to be moving here - apparently Eric will be going to the Grad. Seminary at Berkeley! Now wouldn't THEY be great tenants!