Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another oops

I'm going to stop confessing when I leave huge gaps in the blogoshpere.  Each time I do, I leave a bigger gap.  And my life has not actually been that boring.  I was even going to post pictures, but neither my camera or computer are cooperating
First--the house is rented to a wonderful family.  They aren't moving in till the end of June, but everything about them is perfect, so I'm happy.
The first week in May, my friend Kris came up from North Hollywood.  She and Roz and I had two wonderful days of remembering.  We hung out in Berkeley the first day--looking at our old houses and haunts.  Mine was the only house where we got to go inside.  The next day we did a little sight seeing, but the big stop was the new Disney Family Museum at the SF Persidio--I guess technically now the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.  The two of them had their doubts about that, but we all enjoyed ourselves.  I got some lovely pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge that you aren't seeing here, as well as some great pictures of my friends.
I've had some nagging pain in my left heel--it may be gout.  I've been tested for it, but I don't see my doctor till next Friday.  I'm assuming that's what it is until then.  I've had it before and for some fool reason decided I didn't need the anti-gout meds after eight years of taking them.  Guess again.  Not letting it stand in the way of my walks.
I'm leaving tomorrow, just after church, for Yosemite.  This is the trip I was supposed to take last October after Grand Chapter but postponed due to the last reunion with Kris and Roz (and our other friend Andrea, who couldn't make it out from Missouri this time) and my radiation.  I had some thoughts about postponing again, but cooler heads said "GO!"  So I'm going with my friend Dory.  She was supposed to go with me in October, so it only seems right.  It should be beautiful.  We may get several seasons in the four days we're there.  It is supposed to rain in the Bay Area on Monday--maybe we'll get snow in Yosemite!  We're packing for all sorts of weather.
That's it--not as much as I'd hoped, but better than nothing.  I'll try to get the pictures on with my laptop while I'm away--or not.

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

I haven't updated mine in a long time either - maybe tomorrow! Missed you at OMN@B - but Laura will sing again! Have a fabulous time at Yosemite!