Friday, April 20, 2012


Gretchen and Kris have both reminded me that I haven't blogged in a while.  That usually means that nothing much has been going on.  When I left off last month, Ally had just come home--from her first hospital visit--she had two more before Easter.  She was one sick little girl, but is now, finally, on the mend.  She has a job and things are looking up for her.
I'm doing all right.  My legs were wrapped for about a month.  My custom made compression stockings came in last week.  I've been wearing them since Monday and they seem to be working--enough so that I ordered two more pair so that I can wash them and still have something to wear.
The cellulitis finally cleared up and I got back on my chemo schedule.  I never seem to react to this one the same way, so it is always a surprise.  I got a transfusion a week ago Wednesday--that would explain why I had been very tired.  I didn't come out of this one as peppy as on previous times, but my blood count was good enough for my last chemo that I didn't need a Procrit shot.  That was a good thing.  They hurt.
So I really haven't done much the in the last month.  I finished some knitting projects--good thing since one of Glenn's do-workers just became a grandfather and another one became an uncle.  Two little girl gifts were delivered.
It is baseball season again, so my television viewing schedule once again includes as many Giants games as possible.  They do like to keep my blood pressure jumping. 
I told you things had been boring.  I'm looking forward to a Yosemite trip next month--maybe I can squeeze in a paragraph or two before then.  Otherwise, I'm still above ground and doing reasonably well--unless you count the not feeling too well after last Tuesday's chemo...

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