Monday, September 17, 2012

Trying to make the world smaller

I'm hoping Lee will take one more look at my little blog, because I would like to carry on this conversatison.  My e-mail is I might get strange, random, messages, or I might bet a message from a double bass player from Willard and BHS.  I am sorry you lost your husband, sorrier still what you lost him to.  When I was on the Speaker's Bureau at BHS, and it was time for us to make our pitch for the American Cancer Society, the statistic they gave us was 1 in 3 will develop cancer.  That was in the 60's.  I don't think it has changed.  For some, the journey is too swift, and for others, it seems to go on forever.  I have a friend who has been fighting for well over 20 years.  My journey is 4 1/2 years and still swinging.  There are some things I want to make it to, and at other times, I just want to cross my arms over my chest and hold a lily--those times are few and far between, but I get tired of being tired.  Then I look at my stash of yarn and realize that I have too much to do to go right now.
Hope this works.  And if you random people want to touch base, that's OK too.

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