Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wow--is it ever a Small World

I got a new comment to an old entry yesterday.  The old post was on the Joys of Pack Ratting from August of 2009, and the comment was from Lee Denny.  She was looking up her older sister, Gail, whose obituary I've been saving for quite a long time.  She was concerned because I haven't blogged since August.  Not to worry, Lee.  I'm still kicking--slowly, but still kicking.
I started my new treatment, Avastin, on Sept 4.  I'm still terribly tired, and tired of being tired, but the pain is a lot less than before.  I have an appointment with my oncologist this coming Tuesday.  I'm hoping she'll set me up for a transfusion.  That might help the energy.  climbing one flight of stairs totally wipes me out.  So we'll see.
I made two sweaters for Iris, one with a hat and booties.  They are size 0-6 months and have lots of growing room.  I've been putting my yarn in to plastic bins--easier to see what I have that way.  I haven't put everything away, but I have about 2 1/2 bins now.  I'm working on several projects, none of which are close to finished.  Monica came over to hang out and have dinner last week.  Becca is talking to her again, so I finished a pair of purple socks for her--hope she likes them.
That's about it for now--and the Giant's game is on.  Thanks for jogging my memory, Lee.  I remember you and the double bass.  Hope life has treated you well.


Unknown said...


I shared your post with Gail's husband - he too was touched.

I went thru cancer about 5 years far good for me but I lost my husband at the end of March to, as Gail referred to it, 'the Big C.'

I hauled out my Targets and I can't figure out who you are, except that you played the violin.

I believe the A's lost...but I have no idea what the Giants did today.
If e-mail address shows at the bottom of this, just make it the same L...and last name at I am in Alameda.


Anne Carlson said...

Lee. I tried to send you an e-mail it didn't work. My e-mail is would love to reconnect, since this happened in such a totally random way