Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Serious Packing

It's Wednesday. We leave on Friday. I'm starting to hyperventilate. Now is the time to decide how many closets I can take with me. Oh for the days of steamer trunks! I also know I have to be realistic. What I take we have to carry at some point--there aren't bellboys everywhere--like car rental agencies. So what do I really need. The most we will be any one place is five days, so if I don't want to wear the same thing twice I only really need five outfits. This time, I'm stacking and organizing my stuff before it goes into the suitcase. That way, I hope, I will know what I'm taking and what, if anything, I still need.
Of the medical front, I see my PCP this afternoon to discuss the fluid retention and what meds she wants me to take with me. I visit the infusion center tomorrow to get my port flushed, to make sure it is open for my last chemo when I get back.
I got traveler's checks yesterday--I know, they are old fashioned, but I always feel more comfortable with them. I'm so excited--you'd think it was my first trip. It's my first really big trip since I got sick and I'm going back to the place where my cancer manifested itself. All will be fine. I will have enough cute clothes. We're not going to the back of beyond. There will be stores everywhere. We will have a blast. Onward to the serious packing.

1 comment:

~KQ~ said...

I have a folding set of wheels, if you want. It's kind of a short hand truck, with bungee cord - VERY 80's technology (not lightweight), but it got me and my 2 suitcases/backpack/etc through Great Britian back when.
Have a great time!