Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More Catching Up

Thursday the 25th was my sister's birthday--my almost favorite day because it starts the three weeks that she is two years older than I. Silly the things that tickle us. It was also my mother's birthday. I saw my oncologist. Things are going well. My last chemo is scheduled for just after I get home from Canada. Did I mention to her that my feet and legs were swelling--of course not. They were--and are. By Friday, I was walking on two basketballs. I think it was the meds that my new doctor changed.
Saturday was an oops and a party. The oops occurred when I was taking the laundry downstairs. I missed the last step and went down flat on my shins--my filled with fluid shins. I did not break the hamper I was carrying--which already has serious cracks but which has been with me since 1970. I did get a few bruises and scraped my finger--and, of course, discombobulated my whole central nervous system. I was not in much of a party mood, but it was a 25th anniversary celebration that I didn't want to miss.
Sunday, I drove across the bay and met up with Gretchen and Jim. We went to a memorial for our former next door neighbor. Gretchen has kept up with all of them over the years. I haven't seen them for quite some time. It is hard to believe that we've all known each other for 53 years. The service was a lovely tribute to their mother. I was moving stiffly and hurting--still, I am glad I was able to go.
First thing Monday morning, I called my new PCP's office to let her know about the fluid retention. She's on vacation for a week. Rather than call her back-up, someone else I don't know and who doesn't know me, I called my oncologist's office and left a message for her. When she called back, I answered the phone with "Michelin Man here." She commiserated with me and told me to add one of the meds that I'd stopped taking and repeat my blood work on Monday to make sure I wasn't getting depleted of essential stuff. I can do that. I'm still puffy. I'll call the PCP's office on Monday and let them know the scoop.
That's about all the excitement from here. I need to do some serious thinking about packing for Canada. Now that it is July the trip is really going to happen.

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

June 25th is a big day in my family, too - 3 anniversaries: my parents, my older sister Chris and her hubby Michael, and younger bro Jeff and his wife Alicia. Mom's bday was the 18th. Hope your fluid retention is way down by now! You won't see us tomorrow, and not sure about next Sunday. Heading up to God's house - no kids, no dogs! Strange!