Monday, March 28, 2011

Chemo 3.2 and other stuff

The orcs retreated slowly about two weeks after they came so the last two weeks of the cycle weren't bad.  I have no energy because my hemoglobin is very low--not so low that I couldn't have chemo today but low enough to for me to get two units of blood on Wednesday.
I spent most of week three and four inside watching it rain.  Gretchen came up on Friday.  She took me on a forced march in the afternoon--I did a little over a mile with rest stops.)  We were going to go to a movie, but there was nothing playing that we were excited about.  Saturday was the Ceili.  We practiced to two hours in the morning.  I came home, took a rest, painted my face--should do that more often--I look quite good with make-up--and we were off to the Ceili.  It had a sort of shaky start--Sue was late--so we rearranged things and Andy taught some dances at the beginning.  Eventually, things worked out.  We had a great crowd and we played really well.  I should have had the transfusion on Thursday, because I was really tired. But this is my passion and I played on adrenalin.  The band played, we had some vocals, we had dancing for the audience, we had refreshments.  Babies Emilie (14 months) and Viviann (9 months) had a blast dancing.  It was hard to concentrate on the music because they were so cute, but I managed.  Gretchen was very proud of me, which made me feel really good. 
Sunday we went to church--i was lay reader and got to read from Numbers (everyone's favorite...).  There was a meeting after church with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance--I was tired, we didn't stay.  There was also a short PNC meeting--didn't stay for that either.  Gretchen went for a long walk in the afternoon while I slept.  We hopped on BART a little after four and went to dinner with Victoria and her new family in the evening.  A good time was had by all.
Today was chemo--I wanted Gretchen to see what I go through.  She did a lunch run and went for a walk while I was being infused.  We came home--I napped and Gretchen went to Tanforan to get something cool to wear home tomorrow--we finally seem to be free of storms for the next week.  Gretchen made me dinner, which was very nice of her.  She's heading home tomorrow.  I have a PNC meeting tomorrow night then the transfusion on Wednesday.  I'm expecting to feel dreadful for the next few weeks.  I'll try to blog sooner but make no promises.

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

I'll check in w/you today - let me know if you ever need a ride!