Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Two weeks later

My sister reminded me that i haven't blogged in days, so I thought I'd stick my head up and let you know I'm still breathing.  The orcs were pretty relentless this time.  It wasn't as painful as Chemo 1, but it just went on and on.  I saw Dr. Chee yesterday.  She increased my pain meds and sent me for an abdominal x-ray.  It could be still healing from the surgery or scar tissue.  I have what I'm expecting to be the last appointment with the surgeon tomorrow.  The incision has healed, but things are still hurting.  Blood counts are down, but that's to be expected with chemo.  We'll check it again next week and if the red count is still low, I might get a transfusion to give me some extra energy for the ceili.
That has been a joyful part of the last two weeks.  We practice every Tuesday night for about an hour.  Fiddling takes a little more energy than I've got right now, but it's so uplifting.  The music stays rolling around in my head.  You can't be cheerless with jigs dancing around in your brain.  It just doesn't work.
Beside the band, there has been Eastern Star (two new, enthusiastic members last week--Yippee!), the PNC, the committee that is going on forever, church, knitting--lots of knitting.  It's just that there's nothing new and exciting.  I wake up each morning, so I guess that's the plus.  And if the orcs are retreating till the next infusion of poison, so much the better.


Marjorie McLaren said...

Hi Anne: Glad that Gretchen prodded you to update! Sorry that this round is so miserable. Hang in there - we're all pulling for you!

Rosalynn said...

So glad you're fiddling around, darling! And committees, we LLLOVE committees! Fie on orcs!
