Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Skin

Here's my last night in 917.  Thursday morning I started with Reiki with reflexology and a Rejuvenating Kur with Diane.  Reiki is better than a CT scan.  It's almost spooky how Diane knows what is going on with my body.  It was pretty intense.  Diane knows, so I do what she tells me.   The Rejuvenating Kur is quite lovely.  It concludes with a warm oil and a conditioning mask for the hair and scalp.  You don't look glamorous when it's done, but you really feel good.  I took my towel wrapped head to the loggia to rest and let it sink in before I showered it out.  Next was a Thai Massage--great stretching--with Bill, who is 4 months younger than I am.  It's another of those "Will you respect me in the morning" treatments.  Love it.  Last treatment of the day was a Total Body Recovery with David.  This is another of the new treatments.  Starts with a soak and concludes with a massage using icy cold and hot stones--I had wondered why Diane hadn't schedules a Sonoma Stone Massage--this was where I figured it out.
Today was my last Watsu with Laura.  Each provider does generally the same thing, but each one has their own signature.  I think that's why I need so many of them.  After the Watsu, I finally did the Bathing Ritual, since I was already wet.  After that, I lay by the outdoor pool to give my suit time to dry out and read till it was time for my Balance Body with Laura--my last new treatment.  tarts with a foot soak and exfoliation, an amazing body scrub, shower, and massage with really amazing oils.  You leave with spa hair--I never realized how much I can look like Albert Einstein--but your skin feels so good you just don't care.  I napped on the loggia until it was time for my facial.  The facial means things are winding down, which is sad, but it feels wonderful, which is good.  Another rest on the loggia to let the creams soak into my face and feet.  I stayed there till it started to get dark--at least until it was hard to read, and then I got back into clothes and had my dinner.  I had fillet mignon tonight since it is my wedding anniversary (33rd).  Now I'm ready to sit by the fire and knit.  Tomorrow is pedicure, manicure, and hair and scalp treatment with Rudolfo, and then back to the real world.  My body usually goes into shock when it realizes that no one is going to slather it with lotions and oils.  I could do part of it, but it just isn't the same thing.
Right now,  my skin is happy and softer than it has been since before Chemo.  I'm a happy girl.

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