Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chemo 5.1B--long day

It was not a happy week.  I spent most of it in my jammies.  I started to feel better by Friday.  The major excitement of Saturday was losing a crown.  Well, I didn't exactly lose it, it just came off the tooth.  I saved the crown.  Sunday was sad.  The 49ers came so close to winning.  At least they have never lost a Super Bowl.  There is always a bright side to everything.
So today.  Got up around 8 and had breakfast.  Went back to bed and listened to NPR till it turned off at 10.  Ally and I went grocery shopping.  I was very grateful to have her muscle power to get the groceries upstairs.  Noon was the dentist to have the crown reseated.  Janis came at 2 to take me to chemo.  Platelets just barely made it.  Red count was 8.4.  The Procrit hasn't kicked in yet, so I have an appointment for a transfusion on Thursday.  That will work out.  My hair appointment is on Friday, and the extra blood will give me the energy to walk from BART to Union Square.  I'm not planning on feeling super this week, but I'll get through it.
I had time for a little rest after chemo.  6:30 brought the first band practice of the year.  We read through most of our tunes.  Next practice is next week.  I was pooped, but band practice always pumps me up, no matter how bad I feel.  Yay Ceili!
Now I'm ready to rest.  I turned in two hats today.  Janis would like one, so she gets the one I'll finish tomorrow.  If I feel up to it, I can go to Koffee Klatch in the morning--if not, I can snuggle under the duvet.  That's it for now.  A long day for me.

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