Monday, November 17, 2008

It's been a while

So what have I been doing with my time? Getting my exercise, whether I want to or not. Thursday, my friend Kathy (who joined me in Yosemite in June) and I started walking. After a week or so of fog and dismal weather (not that I have anything against fog and dismal weather), it was a glorious day. The sky was a glorious shade of blue. It was warm but not too hot. We've had enough rain that the grass by the trail thinks it is time to grow again and it was an incredible shade of spring green. And I got to walk with my dear friend and didn't even feel like I was exercising--well, maybe, going up a slight incline felt like Mt. Everest, but I made it. Maybe I'll find little flags to plant at the top of rises for our next walk and claim the land for God and country. Or maybe not.
The glory did not end with the day. I had to go out that night. The moon was full and shining on the bay, as I was driving down Trousdale, it fairly took my breath away. How many times to you get more than one "Thank you, God" moments in a single day.
Friday night, the ceili band practiced. That always raises my spirits. I came on fiddling late in life, but it fills a part of my soul like nothing else. It was exhausting, but uplifting for me. Then Glenn got home and now all's right with the world. I'm glad he had a good time, but it's good to have him home.
Tragedy nearly struck tonight (I know, that's probably like flipping to the end of a mystery so you know who done it before you find out what it is). I have rings that I always wear. My wedding rings, which I know I should do something else with if I'm looking to marry Warren Buffet, but I just can't bring myself to leave them off yet, a diamond and ruby ring that my mother and I got in St. Thomas, and my Past Matron's ring. Now this is the second PM ring I've had. The first one slipped off my finger shortly after I got it--I'd lost lots of weight between picking out the style and actually getting the ring--I should have left it with the jeweler for resizing. A sad lesson learned. Lee had some stray diamonds that we used in the remaking of the ring, so it is precious in many ways. Anyway, tonight at a church meeting, I looked at my right hand and there was NO PM ring--just an indentation on my finger. Keeping my concentration at the meeting was almost impossible, but I sent up a prayer to St. Anthony (the patron saint of lost things) and played Scarlett O'Hara--I'd think about that tomorrow.
When I got home, I looked some places it might be, no ring. By now, I'm really into Scarlett. I'll just get into my jammies and try not to worry about it--but I worried. As I was taking off my pants, out popped the ring and hit the floor. It must have gotten wedged in the waist band. How it managed to stay there and not fall out in any of the places I was this evening is a miracle. It is now sleeping with my other jewelry. After I had to have rings cut off because they got too little for my fingers, I make it a point of take them off every night. And I always put them the same place so I won't have to panic in the morning. So, another "Thank you, God" moment in less than a week. Life is good and I can sleep tonight.
That's it.


Bertamom said...

Whew! Glad you found that ring! Last week, when I walked Mira in the early morning, the sun wasn't up yet, but the full moon was! SO beautiful! I have a hard time getting my behind out of bed for those early walks, but something like that can at least make me less cranky about it.

Victoria said...

You're really going to have to consider all possible options with that whole Warren Buffett plan. What if you run into him and he thinks you're still unavailable? This would be tragic.