Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another Week's Worth of Stuff

Life has been less than exciting, if you don't include yelling at the computer. It took me three days to finally get hold of Mission Control at the Geek Squad to schedule an appointment. Everyone wants to fix the problem over the phone and that's just not happening.
Anyway--I met my new doctor on Monday--Dr. Nani Khanenashvilli, which she has shortened to Dr. Nani Kanen. She's Russian, of Georgian--went to University at Tblisi. She's also younger than I am and should outlive me. We had the "hello, how are you" meeting. She wants to make some changes in my meds--that's fine. To that end, I was back Thursday morning for a fasting blood test.
But back to the week. Tuesday's highlight was a big one. I went to see Spamalot with a group from church. I got picked up and dropped off, didn't have to worry about anything. The show is terribly funny. I saw in in London two years ago. It's best not to be sensitive about anything with a Monty Python show. Nothing is sacred and everyone's ox is gored. I wasn't laughing as loud as I did in London, but I had a happy smile on my face for the entire evening and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Pleasant company, too. I restrained myself from getting attack rabbit slippers.
Wednesday, I checked out with the dermatologist. There hasn't been anything new, even though the sore on my left elbow refuses to heal. There is nothing dreadful going on and I'm to see her again as needed. OK, then.
Thursday was the fasting blood test, which they did in the doctor's office--I have a follow-up visit on Monday to discuss the results. I had her look at a very painful and annoying yeast infection, external. She was very sympathetic, always a good sign, and prescribed both a cream and a powder to treat it. I'm already feeling better.
Friday, Mr. Geek Squad came over and thought he solved the problem in the blink of an eye and was off. Unfortunately, the problem persists, so we had to schedule a revisit for Wednesday. I'm still on the laptop for anything Internet related. The desktop works just fine for e-mail, spreadsheets and documents. I way don't want think about getting a new desktop--will if I have to--let's just hope I don't have to. Friday night I felt wretched--every once and a while I remember that I have cancer, and that did it.
Saturday morning, I went to Palo Alto for the memorial service of an Eastern Star friend. She was born in 1919 and had a good, long life. It was a nice service and nice to see old friends. Since I was already in Palo Alto, i did a little retail therapy at Macy's. I'm now well outfitted for the trip. Felt pretty dreadful last night, so I did not go to Third Saturday at church--just stayed home and felt miserable.
Today was church and a Giant's game on TV--they won. They not only won, they swept the series with the Texas Rangers. Go Giants!
I'm looking forward to another exciting week of doctor appointments. It's a pretty sad social life, but it's my social life.

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