Saturday, June 13, 2009

A week's worth of stuff

I'll try to catch up. Last Saturday afternoon was Al's memorial service. It was very nice. For all her worrying about it, Ally did her father proud and did a very good job.
Saturday night was a real treat. My friend Kathy had an extra ticket for Garrison Keillor reading his new sonnets. It was a very entertaining evening followed by a snack at Max's Opera Cafe.
I can't remember anything of note on Sunday, but I do remember Monday. Monday was hard. It was my last appointment with Dr. Kubin. We both cried. The last month has been really hard on him. I hugged him good bye and he was just skin and bones. My prayers are with him and all those who love him. I am one of them. He recommended a new doctor--I have an appointment to meet her this coming Monday.
Tuesday was my therapist downtown--more tears about Dr. Kubin. I think he was the only man who ever called me a "magnificent woman." He acknowledged, respected, and enjoyed my intelligence and sense of humor. He's only been my doctor since 2001, but it has been an eventful eight years--with the exception of losing my mother, the hardest years of my life--so far.
Wednesday nothing of note. Thursday was chemo. I felt pretty crappy in the afternoon and evening, but it's still nothing like the first stuff, so I'm happy. I guess I can put up with some minor skin irritations. Oh, and the echocardigram I had last month was fine--came through with flying colors. I can have lots more Doxil. Yeah!
Friday I took my car back to the shop so that Jerry could fix the automatic air conditioner. A new computer for it and two hours labor. I love my mechanic but I always hope to never have to see him again. Friday also started my discussions with Microsoft. My desktop computer has been infected with viruses. I spent most of today talking to them too. Viruses are gone, but there is residual damage. So now I will chat with my friends at the Geek Squad again and hope they can resolve the rest of the problems. I really am not ready to buy a new computer. The laptop works, just not as convenient for me. It is a pain in the tush getting booted off of the Internet at the whim of the computer, and that seems to be the problem with the desktop. It's the little things that get to you.
So that's it, my week in a nutshell. I finished reading Firmin, not sure how I felt about it. I enjoyed most of it and the writing was good. I'm now on John Grisham's latest. I have a whole stack of books to read when I finish that one.

1 comment:

Rosalynn R Reed said...

Wow, Garrison Keillor-

How cool is that.

Good luck with the computer. This must be Computer Crud Month. I too am battling viruses and unknown digital foes on my computer.

Which leads to digital hair pulling. Quite painful, if virtual.

Have fun with the Geek Squad.