Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Joys of Nature

When I moved to San Bruno, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, we didn't have squirrels or crows. Sometime over the last 37 years, they have moved in. They are nor a welcome neighbor. the squirrels are just pests who run along the utility wires and scare the poop out of me when I'm sitting here at the computer with my glasses off--all I see is some fuzzy streak. The crows are just noisy. They seem to have replaced the pigeons who lived here before we did. I've been a gun control advocate all my life--well, since my mother said we couldn't have the Annie Oakley little girl's gun set--but I really do wish I had a bazooka handy when the crows start up.
Sweet, retiring, and gentle. That's me.


Bertamom said...

Yeah, that's how I describe you: "Oh Anne? She's . . . uh . . . sweet, retiring and gentle! Yeah!" :-)

Victoria said...

I think you have been confused with someone else in the previous comment.

Your gentle, retiring and sweet niece would also have gladly taken a shotgun to the deer when I as living in North Berkeley.