Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Momentary Loss of Mind

People who know and love me love many things about me. Housekeeping isn't one of them. Just don't come if you are allergic to dust. I have a collection of it. I no longer have dust bunnies, they are dust rhinos and there is no danger of extinction for them. So it will come as a great surprise to many, myself included, that I just got out the vacuum cleaner and sucked up pounds of dust in the hall. I'm proud of the few cubic inches I cleared out. The effort exhausted me. Maybe I'll add that to my "to do" list--vacuum 1 square foot per day. Maybe not. In any case, the vacuum cleaner is now digesting my few minutes work. I haven't put it away, just in case the spirit overcomes me again and I want to suck some more dust. There's lots left.
That was today's excitement

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