Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nothing Really New

It's been a while, so I thought I should let you know I'm still alive. I have two more days of radiation. My lovely 10:10 appointment was bumped up to 8:30 for the next two days to accommodate the breast cancer patients who have special radiation needs. I know it is really small and petty of me, but I'm having my own little war with the breast cancer patients. They get all the headlines, they get the pretty pink ribbon, they get the three day walk--no one even crosses the street for cancer of the peritoneum. There's this fancy new protocol for breast cancer--only five days of radiation, but twice a day at six hour intervals--the rest of us get stuck in around them. I find it annoying, like my cancer isn't as important as theirs is. Do they want to go out back and duke it out? I've probably had it longer and my prognosis is worse than theirs. Glenn just laughs at me when I snort about the breast cancer patients. Only two more days. I see my oncologist on Friday to find out what's next. She doesn't do breast cancer, so I know I won't get bumped there. Bless his heart, Glenn is taking an hour off work to come with me.  He really wants to know what is going on.
I'm getting better at being honest about how I'm doing. If I don't feel good, I'll say so. Sometimes, the clue is that I'll say I'm OK, ass opposed to fine or good. I'm assuming that if people ask, they genuinely want to know.
I'm above the grass, so things are better than they could be.
That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne, sondering how your appointment went yesterday. Will e-mail. Loved the photos of Roz et al and the radiation. big hugs-

Rosalynn said...

To my favorite above the grass gal-

Thank goodness the magic Xray machine days are over with. Now you just have to figure out how to use the leftover tattoos.

Am sending you your very own completely original Peritoneal logo to use on a pin. So you can successfully thumb your . . er . . nose at the breast cancer peops and their ubiquitous sissy pink ribbons. It’s hot off the Photoshop press and hopefully in your email box about now.