Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hanging at my Sister's

Spelling and finger dyslexia warning--they have changed blogspot and I don't know where the spellcheck went.  I'll try, but spelling and proof-reading have never been my strengths.
The drive down was glorious--warm and clear but with the tang of autumn.  I had lunch at Margie's Diner in Paso Robles, where they make about the best fries in the world.  I'm sure they are cooked in something terribly toxic and I don't care.
I've been having a great visit with my sister and her family.  Gretchen has been very considerate of my post-radition malaise and has let me get plenty of rest.  Sleeping late, naps, what more could you ask for.  I sat in the sunshine and kept the dogs company.  The weather has been spectatular.  Wednesday's outing was the Museum of Natural History--a little gem tucked away in Santa Barbara.  We weren't the only ones who thought it was a good idea; still, the museum is big enough that it can accomodate lots of people and small enough that it didn't wear me out.  Everywhere we looked the views were amazing on the drive to and from. 
Thanksgiving Day was restful and casual.  We had been invited to have dinner with my nephew's landlords, Flash and Tina.  The beauty of having Thanksgiving at someone else's house is that you don't wear yourself out cooking, though we did make three different kinds of cranberry sauce (I made the plain old fashioned one) and Gretchen made an apple pie and a green bean salad.  I watched football.
Thanksgiving Dinner was a wonderful experience.  We had to park a bit away from the house, so I was winded and exhausted when we got there.  I sat down to catch my breath and of course, got weepy.  At the least little sentimental thought I become a watering can.  I hate it, but what can you do.  Tears come like the tide and won't be stopped.  I never really know what sets them off.  Fortunately, everyone but Gretchen was busy with much preperation, so I didn't weep all over the world.  Once drained, I had a lovely time.  Flash and Tina were warm and generous hosts as well as being interesting and charming people.  Jim brought champagne.  I was pretty sure my meds wouldn't like it, but I did.  Even bad champagne is good, and this was very good champagne.  The property has a huge yard with an amazing brick fireplace that I wanted.  We had dinner by a roaring fire, under the stars.  Gretchen and I were sitting near the fireplace--we were warm and toasty.  One of the guests, a young man named Andy Chang, is s sushi chef.  He was in charge of carving the bird.  The show of carving was worth the price of admission (or would have been, had there been a charge).  Naturally, I left my camera at Gretchen's house and my little gizmo to transfer the pictures to the computer at my house.  Many pictures were taken,  If Gretchen or Victoria send me one or some (large hint),  I will include it or them in a later post.  Everything was delicious.  Picky eater that I am, I enjoyed everything--even though it was quite dark by the time we ate and I couldn't eat one thing at a time as I usually do.  As we were dining under the stars, I thought of friends in other parts of the country where it is really coming on winter and I must say, I gloated and gloried in the evening.  It started to get cold, so pie was eaten indoors--by the fire in the living room.  Getting me off the couch took three strong men and a boy, and it wasn't pretty, but I did it.  This is my third Thanksgiving since I lost Lee.  Each one has been special and each one included a few challanges.  This year, except for the weepy bouts, has been delightfully challange free.
Yesterday morning--well, late morning--Gretchen took me for a ride with views to admire.  The family went wine tasting in the afternoon--I took two naps.  While I was napping the wind came up with a vengance.  Gretchen had a tennis date after the wine tasting.  The rest of us agreed that we were happy not to be her, trying to play tennis in a hurricane.
This morning was another drive with errends,  Victoria is off on a 40 mile race and Gretchen and Jim are at a 50th anniversary party.  My original intenion was go to home today, thinking they would have had enough of me by now, but Gretchen looked hurt when I suggested it, so I'll be driving home tomorrow with the rest of the world.  Kyle will be coming over for dinner tonight, so it will be nice to see him again this trip.
I'm afraid I've turned into the feeble old aunt that people need to help in and out of chairs and up and down stairs.  Part of me hates it and the other part knows that I am helped out of love, so I appreciate it.
The only real downside to going away for Thanksgiving is no left overs.  I'm sure Glenn would be happy for me to do a turkey dinner sometime and I almost think we could find friends to join us.  Now there's a thought.
That's it for now.  It might be nap time or it might be Facebook time.  We'll see.

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