Friday, December 16, 2011

Wedding Eve

Glenn and I arrived safely at the Bide-a-Wee in Pacific Grove.  We checked in, unloaded, and went off to find the wedding rehearsal.  I managed to come without a music stand--and almost forgot my violin, but grabbed that at the last minute.  We set up in the frosty air for the practice--and I couldn't find the one piece the bride wanted.  Oh no!  I grabbed the piano accompaniment on the way out of the house.  It has the violin part, but it is little teeny print and there is a page turn.  Well, let's see, I'm sure the motel will have a copier and I can copy it and cut out my part.  The wedding isn't until 3 tomorrow, there's lots of time to fix things.  After the rehearsal, I remembered what I'd done with the music--had it all along, safely tucked into the music case on my violin case--just where I put it last night after I practiced with the quartet--also found the number I'm playing with them.  It was very cold at the practice.  Rumor is that it may warm up a bit tomorrow.  I'm still praying for rain and we can go to plan B--inside.  I've got a cold--raw throat and cough.  I called the Cancer Care center yesterday and talked with my nurse practitioner.  She called in a prescription for antibiotics, just so I'd have them.  If I felt better today, fine, don't take them.  I didn't.  I felt worse.  So I'm on antibiotics, just to keep this from turning into something else.
There was a meet and greet with the happy couple tonight.  We went for a bit to put in an appearance, but came back to the Bide-a-Wee.  I'm about to hop into my jammies and hope to feel better tomorrow.  I'll do just about anything for a wedding and I had no intention of missing this one.  I'm very glad Glenn took the day off and came down with me.  He drove.  I rarely give up that much control.  That's how crappy I felt.
Here's to a better day tomorrow.

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