Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I may live

I think I'm starting to feel a little less bad. Mornings are good-mornings are when things seem almost normal. That would be the blessing of ritual, because I do the same things every morning. Now mornings are also when I miss Lee, because most of the rituals were his jobs. He would get up first, make the coffee, bet the newspaper, lay out my cereal bowl, spoon, and juice. The first time he was in the hospital, I actually had to get step by step instructions for the coffee maker. So I miss him in the mornings. Of course, I've learned to handle all the mundane tasks. I actually enjoy doing them--doing the same task at around the same time every morning. Sometimes my routine is thrown off by a late newspaper, but I can rise above that.
Anyway, I've had my breakfast, taken my morning meds, and am ready to settle down under the duvet and inhale another James Patterson book. I might even throw caution to the wind and hit the grocery store to have an actual outing that doesn't include a doctor. Yes. I think I'm starting to pull out of round one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne-

I'm catching up via your blog. Glad to hear that you may live - after some dark and painful bits, it seems. It's nearly a week now since the first treatment. Also glad to hear that the port worked well. I've never read anyone's blog before. New form of communication.

The trip to Honduras went well. Coincidentally, I ended up on the gynocological team, screening women for breast and cervical cancer. It seemed right to be trying to help people with early detection. One lady walked out of the mountains for six hours with two babies to get to our clinic. She lives in an indigenous community with no electricity. so many worlds in this world.

You are in my prayers - especially last Wednesday. Big hugs to you and see you on Friday.