Sunday, April 19, 2009

I've felt better

I think the chemo I'm on now waits till I've forgotten I had it, then it strikes. It's a perfectly lovely day today, and I spent most of it resting. I went to church, serving as lay reader this month, so there I am, sitting in the chancel, and as the service went on (and it wasn't long at all), I felt worse and worse. The prayer was, "Please, God, let me get home to the compazine. Don't let me hurl in public." I got home, I got medicated, the Giants even won for me, but I really feel dreadful. I feel good so much of the time that I forget I'm sick. Today, I remember.
So, let's talk about the weather. I went downtown Tuesday, and it was so cold that I thought I'd overslept and woken up in January. The north wind didth blow, and I'm surprised we didn't have snow. Still, I managed to walk from my appointment on New Montgomery to Nordstrom and pick up two pair of pants I'd left to have shortened--and didn't but anything else! Since I've been in drunken sailor mode, that is a good thing.
Thursday it was pleasant but windy. Kathy and I got a good walk in--nowhere near the hike we did last time, but at least she escaped without catching anything on this walk.
Last night was a new venture at out church--Open Mic Night at Bethany--OMNAB for short. My band, Anne and the Bethany Brawlers opened. I had more energy than I did for the ceili, so we played faster. There were six acts in all, and I got another chance to fiddle out of the deal. I'm meeting with a new band on Monday to see how the fit is. Should be fun.
And now we are back to today. Remember how Tuesday was like the dead of winter? Today was sub-Saharan. The house has warmed up nicely, so now I'm glowing.
Not terribly exciting, but they can't all be winners. At least I didn't hurl.

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

Gonna be more warm weather for the next couple of days! Glad you made it home, and are feeling better - hope it keeps up!