Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Virgin Experience!

First, I'll catch up. Monday was HOT--90's hot. We don't do that--especially not in April. It was beastly. I was feeling somewhat better--the heat didn't help. At five in the evening, I practiced with the new band--it will work.
Got up early on Tuesday, breakfasted, showered, found that my navel was hot, red, and draining. I had another Christian Science moment, because I didn't want it to spoil the day. Bright and early, I drove to San Mateo, where I met my friends, Ted and Karen. We were once again the teens who explored Europe together 46 years ago, off on another adventure. We went to Filoli. Ted is a member and Karen has been there several times, but it was a first for me. I think I will let the pictures speak for themselves--as much as I can let anything speak for itself.

Wisteria isn't supposed to photograph well, but these two aren't bad.

These are both from the front entrance of the mansion.
Now for the gardens:

Azalea with garden hose

The Sunken Garden

Stray shots

Our garden ramble was followed by lunch, then ta ta for now, and off we went.
I visited the bloodsuckers in the afternoon and the evening was given over to a band practice--on the church patio since the inside was an oven. There was a small problem of getting the music to stay put because there was the San Bruno Breeze to contend with, but it was very refreshing--felt like music camp playing out of doors like that. Sue, the flute-piccolo player, is my own personal RN. She followed me home, agreed that the navel is indeed infected, cleaned it, dressed it, and thought it was a good idea to let my doctor know about it, even though I have an appointment tomorrow--so as soon as the office opens, I'll call them. Meanwhile, I had time to post this blog, so nothing is perfect, not even perfectly bad. I still have a sore throat from the cold, and a zit the size of China on top of my head. These little things keep me occupied.

1 comment:

Rosalynn R Reed said...

Congrats on your bloggist anniversary, ma belle of La Grande Bell,

It has been a source of continuing pleasure and, of course, information to me these many months and years.

The chemo-port issues sound, as always, like a penance you have not earned. I learn a lot more than you bargained for every time.

About that precious little ring. The sacred workings of the universe are indeed hard to fathom. The lost ring thing is something we’ve all gone through. With me, if I found it where it was supposed to be, I used to start questioning my mental capacity instead of feeling like my life was charmed. Nowadays, I’m a little less hard on myself and just feel grateful for the return of the lost object.

I am not familiar with Filoli, but from your photos, it looks charming. It seems like your 46-year-old lunch with Ted and Karen was successful.

I envy you your outdoor band practice. Playing in the woods is one of the experiences from my youth at camp that I remember as enchanting.

Keep up the wonderful walks with Kathy!

La la love,