Monday, December 21, 2009

Getting There

It was a work hard day today.  Glenn and I bought the Christmas tree on Friday when the weather was good (and a good thing, too, because today has been a real Christmas day--see previous post).  The first thing we/I had to do was clear space for the tree then actually get it up from the garage, because the elves were coming in the afternoon to trim it.  I'm so far along on the jelly belly puzzle that I don't want to just give up and put it back in the box, so we had to work around the card table.  Because my stamina is still non-existant, I hade a deal with myself to make sure I rested.  Find a piece for the puzzle, pick up something.  I thought that was going to be a good idea till I started finding pieces.  Glenn has all the stamina in the world, so he wanted to get it done.  When I would start to drip with sweat, I knew it was time to sit for a while.  Still, we did manage to clear a path and a place to put the tree.  Oops--it's a big tree.  Glenn was also dripping by the time he got it upstairs.  I helped.  I also vacuumed up lots of needles.  I love my new vacuum cleaner!  I'd love it more if it came with a maid, but nothing is perfect.  I watched my soap opera and dried off.  The elves arrived right on schedule, God bless them, and we now have a beautiful trimmed tree.  I still need to put up the nativity sets, including the one that was up from Dec 2007 till Jan 2009.  If I hadn't put it away, I wouldn't have to get it out--just dust it.  I opened up the tiny nativity I got in Chartes--wish I'd gotten a ton of those, they would have made great gifts.  Gifts--I need to do something about those too.  Good thing there are still a few days before Christmas.

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

Sounds like we "elves" got the easy job! It was fun! I hope you can get lots of rest now - just give IOU's for Christmas and do your shopping at the after Christmas sales!