Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stranger than Fiction

Those of you who know my son will just say, "Of course."  Those of you who don't will just have to take my word for it.  Yesterday afternoon, I took a long nap in the afternoon, waking around 7.  I didn't feel like eating but thought I needed to come up with something for Glenn.  Not a problem, he'd gone out and picked up something for himself.  He said he would have asked me, but I out sleeping.  He had to eat and run because he was seeing a friend.  I know several of Glenn's friends and most of them don't have a clue where his working hours are concerned.  Not to worry, he said, he'd be home early.  And he was.  He got home before 10.
His phone rang at 11ish--see what I mean, no clue about hours.  I wasn't asleep yet, and he poked his head in my room and asked if we still had our cat carrier.  Now we haven't had a cat for years--maybe 10, and I have no idea what happened to the carrier.  Seems the friend he saw had been given a puppy and was flying out at 8 in the morning.  They'd been looking for one when he was out earlier.  I told him he could go ahead and look, but good luck.  Off he went downstairs to the warehouse.  Ho luck, so he was back up shortly and said he would be going out--he had one more thought.  I went to sleep like a person and I was asleep when he left for work.
So for you Paul Harvey fans, here's the rest of the story.  He went to a 24-hour Walgreens to see if they had a pet carrier.  He asked the clerk who was talking with a customer.  The customer said she used to have a small dog that she took everywhere.  Her family had been talking about having a garage sale and including this pet carrier it in.  If he wanted, Glenn could wait till she got what she needed and follow her home and check it out.  Remember, it's by now around midnight and these were perfect strangers.  Glenn waited, followed her home, checked it out, and it was better than perfect.  He gave her $20.00, thanked her, and was off to where his lady friend (did I say it was a lady?  I believe not) was staying and presented her with the pet carrier.  She flew off to Georgia (where she will be living) this morning with her new puppy and presumable all went well.
What are the chances?  Less than none.  Why did Glenn take on this impossible task?  Well, that's just Glenn.  And because he is a good soul, good things happen.  I'm still shaking my head about the whole thing, but it is all very Glenn.  Someone needed something and he make it happen.  There are angels and I think my son is one of them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful know, they don't fall too far from the tree!