Friday, March 20, 2009

Catching up

It's been a pretty slow week. Tuesday I was really feeling bad, but went downtown to see my therapist anyway. He tells me I can cancel anytime if I need to, or we can talk over the phone, but it isn't the same thing. I did not, however, stay downtown for retail therapy.
Wednesday was Curves and the Bloodsuckers (my son says that sounds like a band). I didn't really want to go to Curves, but I went--like AA, when you don't want to go is when you really need to go. The Bloodsuckers was to check my creatinine levels after the yummy stuff I had with the scan. Levels were higher than the acceptable range so my doctor told me to do it again today and see how things were, before resuming one of my meds.
Thursday was walk day with my friend Kathy. We met at tenish at the city park. It was a lovely day. It was warm enough that neither of us had a jacket and bright enough that both of us were wearing hats. We circled the park three times--just over a mile and long enough for good conversation (for my younger readers, that's like texting, only with complete words and face to face with no electronics in sight). There are plenty of benches for resting. I had a special treat in the afternoon with a visit from a friend of 46 years--who is this possible when I'm going to be 21 on my next birthday? New math, I think--oops, if I'm old enough to remember new math, I'm in trouble. Anyway, it was a treat to see Karen. I finished two projects and added them to my Etsy site. Several people have looked at my stuff, but no takers. Sigh.
Today was another Curves and the Bloodsuckers day. This time my level was acceptable. My doctor also checked on my scan results--things are headed in the right direction again. I'll get the game plan when I see her next Thursday. The afternoon ended with a visit from another friend. I was going to go out tonight, but I haven't' been feeling good the whole week, so I canceled that.
See--pretty slow week. Slow is sometimes good.


Bertamom said...

Slow is sometimes very good.

Anonymous said...

You fill me with such pride and awe, Anne.

There was this awful week filled with so much physical discomfort. So you let yourself have a s-l-o-w week. Just what is needed.

But not too slow. You keep up the therapist appointment. So very necessary. Skip those little meetings and icky things start growing in the dark closets of the mind. Especially when dealing with orks.

And how do you keep the presence of mind and body to manage the trips to Curves? What are you? A well-tempered clavier? You are A-mazing.

About all those healthful walks you take with friends. I don’t know how you do it. I think that if I lived near you I’d be a lot healthier from just from tagging after you. You and your friends must be simply ironbound. I mean, what’s a mile here or there?

Of course I don’t wish you a lot more slow weeks. But I am so proud that you do know how to take one when you need it!

A votre sante!
