Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Utter exhaustion

I knew that somewhere I would have to pay for doing what I did over the weekend. The price was exhaustion. Total and complete exhaustion. I did nothing at all on Monday--just rested. I may have changed out of my jammies at sometime, but I never got far from my chair. Tuesday I had an appointment downtown, so I dutifully got up, had breakfast, got dressed, went to BART. made the appointment, deposited a check at the ATM, BARTed back, did necessary grocery shopping--well, maybe some of it unnecessary, but I was hungry, cane back home, eat my lunch, and slept for three hours. I woke up in time to watch the Giants loose. I'd been invited to the game but knew there was no way I could stay conscious to get back downtown and stay upright for the game. Just as well--it rained, which it NEVER does here in August.
On top of the exhaustion, every muscle I owned hurt--well, maybe just my neck, back, shoulders, and arms. It seemed like all of them.
I think I was asleep five minutes after the game. This morning, the muscle aches and exhaustion were still with me, but I had things to do. I had my simulation appointment at the radiation oncologists. It consisted of getting there, no mean trick, then being CT scanned so that they could make a computer image of my abdomen to plan my treatment. Now I wait till they call me for the next steps. Haven't even really started and I can almost see the end. Of course, I'm old enough to remember that sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is the oncoming train, so I won't get cocky. I made two stops on the way home--one for gas and one taking my cross-stitches of Hawaii for Rebecca and Lower Yellowstone Falls for me to the framer. I always feel a sense of satisfaction when I do that.
Now I have to pack for tomorrow's trip to Las Vegas. What to wear to a wedding in Las Vegas in August--that is cool enough--that fits. Once again I have wheel chairs arranged at the airports. Since we're only going for two nights I shouldn't have to take my entire wardrobe, all the books I have left to read and all the yarn I have left to knit--just enough to keep me entertained.
I expect to return with pictures.

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