Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's always something and sometimes it's lots of things

I've been remiss. I haven't reported in for over a week. And it's been a full week.
Let's do the good stuff first. Last Sunday was my sister and her husband's 40th wedding anniversary. I think that is an amazing achievement. I want to be around to help them celebrate their 50th, but that's a different story. 40 years! I was married for almost 29. Children of divorce tend toward divorce themselves. You would have to look long and hard to find 100% of the children who have more stable marriages. So Sunday I sort of backed in the reflected glory of my sister's accomplishment
Monday was unremarkable. I went to the women's Bible Study in the evening, which was very nice. Not so nice was when my car wouldn't start when I was ready to go home. Not to worry, Alicia had jumper cables and the gang got me started. I put it on the charger when I got home.
Tuesday it started like a charm, no problems. Wednesday I was going to have an outing in the afternoon. There is a new music store in San Bruno, and I was going to go visit them. The car didn't think so. I put it back on the charger for the night. I took a long nap in the afternoon. Glenn woke me up for dinner, which he had fixed, bliss him. Unfortunately, I didn't eat much of it, because my stomach was hurting. It hurt worse as the evening wore on. I felt somewhat better Thursday--not good, but somewhat better. Took the car off the charger and set out to visit the music shop. No, wasn't going to happen. So I called my mechanic, who said to have it towed in and he'd take a look at it. AAA came pretty quickly--almost on the dot of when they said they would be there. Cheers for them. Mr. AAA checked the battery and the alternator, which checked out fine. He got the car started. I left it running and called the mechanic to let him know that I would be driving it down and would need a ride home. No problem. Got the car there and back home--the mechanic driving. It stopped once on him, but he fiddled with the cables and got he home and himself back to his shop. The car spent the night at the car hospital. Turns out the battery, which was otherwise fine, was leaking battery acid and kept corroding the connections, hence the problems with it dying. New battery and oil change and he and his wife brought it home to me. It did not cost the earth to fix. It pays to have a mechanic you trust.
Meanwhile, back at the stomach, I was still in pain Thursday--not as bad, but uncomfortable. When I was still hurting Friday, I called my oncologist's office and left a message for Dr. Chee. She yells at me if I don't tell her when things are wrong. Pains were worse after the car came home, so I called the office again. Dr Chee called me back almost as soon as I hung up. She wanted to rule out any sort of heart problem, so sent me off to emergency--where I spent nine hours. Glenn came down to keep me company after he got off work. I had lab work, got fluids because I was dehydrated, had an EKG, x-rays, and a CT scan. All my tests were great, and they ruled out heart problems, cancer problems, and bowel obstructions--all good things to rule out. There is a possibility that it is gall bladder disease, so I left with instructions to have a sonogram ASAP.
I got home just before midnight. I was starving and ready to eat the furniture, but nothing appealed to me. I think I had some toast. I got up to watch the Cal game this morning--GO BEARS! I called the hospital during half time and scheduled the sonogram--9 AM tomorrow--nothing to eat or drink after midnight. I guess I'll be late for church. Elaine came over in the afternoon. We had a great visit. She did my laundry, gave me a pedicure and touched up my fingers. I was supposed to go to a meeting of the budget committee this afternoon, but Elaine talked me out of it. I assume the budget got prepared and the earth didn't stop because I wasn't there. Went to Open Mic Night at church, figuring that I could sit at home and feel bad or I could spend the evening with my friends and feel bad. I contributed to the evening by reading Casey at the Bat. It really is a funny poem.
So that's it. You are now up to date. I haven't eaten lots today. I'm hungry, but I don't want to make my stomach work too hard. I'm on pain meds and it is still tender. Next exciting chapter tomorrow--or sometime next week. Stay tuned. Or not. I'm happy to have you on this journey with me.

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