Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, how's it going? About the same. I had the endoscope yesterday. No ulcer, no sign of cancer in the stomach. There is some irritation, but nothing that Dr. Roost can specifically treat. So it is on to Dr. Weller and radiation treatment. I have my simulation on Thursday. Meanwhile, it is just control the pain or live with it. I think I'll live with it. The procedure wasn't bad--plenty of drugs and I was out. I have sort of wispy memories of having a tube stuck down my throat. Mostly I remember them telling me to take deep breaths of oxygen when I was back in the ward. It's been a great deal of sound and fury for little result. I still hurt. At least i know what will be going on medically for the next couple of months. This should get me to December and finally Spa time! I already know that's where I'm going when I'm through with this round of radiation.
But wait! There's more. It seems our washing machine has sprung a leak! Lucky us! I'm going to do a bit of phoning around. First person I find who can replace the machine and take the old bad one with them I think will get the job. I just don't have the energy to go around and compare prices. We had a 10 year warranty on this one--I think it ran out last year. Life continues to be good.

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