Monday, February 1, 2010

Did it!

After a week or so of reading and sleeping and little else, today I actually got myself dressed and out of the house and down to Curves for the first time in months.  I only did the circuit once and stretched, but at least I got up and out and did it.  I was dripping when I finished, but I did it.  I didn't want to do it, if fact I tried to use my walk from the parking lot into the storefront as my exercise.  But I did it.  I've also set my mind on the next picking up project.  I'm not going to tell so I don't jinx myself, but it is implanted in my little pea brain and now just waiting to get done.  It all isn't much, but it is more than I did last week--not that I didn't enjoy snuggling under the covers and reading when it was so gray outside, but it was a pretty wasted week.  I'm taking tiny little steps, but I'm moving.  I read two great books last week and I just finished a knit hat, so it hasn't been completely wasted time.  I think moving is better for me.  I don't know if I can call myself a Curvette after only onece around the circuit--but I...well, you know the drill.

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