Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ready to Radiate

I got a call this morning asking if I would like to come in at 11 for the first set of films to check everything out. Not a problem, said I, and off I went. I'm set to begin treatments tomorrow at 9:30 then at 9:30 every day through Sept 23 except weekends and Labor Day. I got my abdomen drawn on with purple ink (My granddaughter Rebecca will be so happy--it's her favorite color) which seems to have transferred itself to my sweats. That seemed really quick, but I'm just as glad. I'll be done in good time for the next trip. Now I just have to decide between Scottsdale and Sonoma. I've already had one vote for Sonoma. I think I have until Sept 14 to make up my mind for sure.
Other that that little flurry of excitement, I'm still taking care of the cold. The snot production of the human body never ceases to amaze me. You keep thinking "how can there possibly be any more?" and yet there is always one more good blow waiting to be sopped up.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

It sounds like you have been running around like crazy-- how's things so far with the radiation?