Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today's excitement

There I was, eating my breakfast and reading the Sunday paper, watching it rain, listening to the wind blow, when suddenly, there were a series of explosions and several of the wires transversing our backyard snapped, each with accompanying pops and fireworks and explosions, some arcing and burning of the ground they touched. By the grace of God, they did not hit the house. This was around 9 in the morning. Church was out as an activity for the day. First we had the firetruck in front of the driveway, then PG&E trucks. It is now 3:40 PM and they are finally working on the wires that are down in the back yard--there must be three or four of them. Again, we are lucky, because WE have power--our neighbors don't. There's a big burn scar where one of the wires did some spectacular burning. Then our neighbors were spraying water on some of the fires--not a good idea when the fires are connected to live wires. Playing in the backyard was also out as an activity for the day--should we even want to, because it is still raining pretty hard.
I'm sorry I missed church--we missed it one Mother's Day over 20 years ago when the washing machine downstairs sprang a leak in a hose and we all dealt with the flood. At least it was a family activity. I've been reading off and on, drifting in and out. I think I'll be happier when I no longer have broken wires in my backyard. I guess they are working as fast as they can. My PG&E dollars at work. Poor guys--they really are working in miserable conditions.
I'm nice and warm. The rest of my temporary came out, but the tooth doesn't feel bad. I'm truly looking forward to a mouth full of instruments when they put in the new temporary...well, maybe not.
So that's it for today--no real chemo after effects--just sort of tired, in spite of a good night's sleep. I think I'll go back and watch the PG&E guys.


Bertamom said...

I have to admit, I was glad to hear that you missed church because of dangerous, live electrical wires in you backyard and NOT because you were sick! Twisted, I know --

Anonymous said...

O, what fun. Live wires in the back yard. In the rain. Just another barrelful of shocking monkeys for Anne.

You do live a charmed one, my very dearest. Not even a loss of power. I suspect it has something to do with all those Sunday services you never miss. But who knows? I could be wrong . . .

I’m glad your temporary site isn’t painful. Again with that charmed life thing. Either the nerve has already been removed or God figured you just didn’t deserve any extra pain right now. Either way, I could use a little of your karmic oversplash, if you have any leftovers.

Happy rainy day, my dear. Please let God know for me that we appreciate his continued interest in holding off the projected CA draught.
