Monday, February 2, 2009

Wirelessly wired

Saturday, I did something I've wanted to do for many years but considered it irresponsibly extravagant (I know, this from the woman who runs off to the Sonoma Mission Inn regularly). I bought a laptop--and a router so that I can use my internet on it at home, and a wireless mouse because I didn't want to deal with that little box and my thumbs, and a case for the whole thing that doesn't look like a laptop case. Today I bought an aircard to use it when I'm away from home--AND (that's a big and) one of my favorite geeks made it all work for me--and said I did good in everything I picked out--from the fire sale at Circuit City. Need had nothing to do with any of this, but I'm really happy. I'll test it all out at my sister's house this weekend.
That's my big news. Oh, I also bought a ton of John Grisham books. I've read three of his books so far. Now I want to go through them in the order written.
Tomorrow is a downtown day, so I need to get up before 10 in the morning. Too bad--I love hanging out in my jammies.

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