Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Remembering Al

I have some catching up to do, but it is trivial, and my heart is too heavy for trivial annoyances. Our dear friend, Al Sweetman, died today. He had a heart attack Monday, drove himself to the hospital--so like him. He had angioplasty yesterday, was supposed to go home today, but threw a blood clot and that got him. Al was smart and funny--a big, goofy kid, but a steady rock when necessary. He has been our go to guy since Lee died. Something isn't working right, call Al--he will know what to do and he will fix it. That was his business and he was good at it. I guess the biggest job he did for us was properly grounding our house. Had it not been for that, when the power lines snapped if February, we would have been toast.
He was more than Mr. Fix-it. He was aways praying for me with my cancer and checking up on me. His wife is the other person I know with cancer of the peritoneum. Her diagnosis was about seven months before mine and she has mentored me thorough the rough parts.
He leaves three children, the youngest of whom is graduating from high school this month. They are all too young to lose their dad.
Lots of prayers surrounded Al on his way out, lots of prayers surround the family. Rest in peace, dear friend.


Bertamom said...

He was one of a kind - I will miss him coming to harass me at the office - I still can't quite believe he's gone.

Anonymous said...

May he rest in peace and remain forever remembered <3