Saturday, May 30, 2009

Packing for Yosemite

I'm taking time away from Farm Town on Facebook to get my stuff together for Yosemite. I'll leave tomorrow after church for four glorious days. Training for the Rockies. I don't know how much, if any, hiking I'll be up to, but I can do lots of walking. If I get tired, I can sit down and read. It looks like I will be going by myself, and that is fine. A little while in the mountains to just be should be lovely.
The car had its various ailments fixed and came in under 1K--not bad for a 14 year old car. My various rash areas seem to be under control too--not planning on a massage or wrap or anything that could irritate my skin at Yosemite. I will be taking the laptop, so I can send pictures, if I can figure out how to do it on the laptop--and, of course, keep up with the crops on Farm Town. I don't really have an addictive personality, but I am thoroughly addicted to that silly little game. Maybe that's why I'm addicted to it, because it is a silly little game. Somehow caring for a fake farm is a lot easier than caring for the troubles and worries of the world.
That's it--hasn't been terribly exciting--but I've got those four glorious days just around the corner. I think it is supposed to rain next week-that's ok too. Pictures don't come out as well, but I've got plenty of pictures of Yosemite.

1 comment:

Rosalynn R Reed said...

Geeze louise puleeze tell me I don’t have to actually learn Facebook to keep up with my friends.

All this time I have managed have a minimalist approach to new tech Meccas and get away with it.

Now one of my nearest and dearest admits to addictiveness?!! to a digital hay factory? Yo, A-Pie, what gives, sistah? How moderne to I have to get before fitting in here? Do they chew cuds and smoke stogeys?

Farms you say? What next? Straw twixt the teeth? Where did all that hard-won sophistication go, my sweet? Flabbergasted doesn’t begin to describe my condition.

Well, I guess I am off to find my new face, digitally speaking. I suppose I better flutter, too. Or is that tutter? Hmmm. Twitter. That’s it. Right? So, do you? Say everything in 15 words or less? Or whatever?

It’s all so digitalis. Stunning to the brain.

OK. See you when I get the digital face transplant.