Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Feeling blah

The orcs were not waiting for the percocet to get out of my system, but neither were the euphoria fairies. I've just felt down, a little off, and have zero energy. I understand this is normal. So I read more yesterday. There was no Giants game, so I really didn't know what to do with myself. I did get a treat--my favorite cross stitch designer, Cheri Fulmer of Fulmer Craft in Wyoming sent me a kit of Saint Mary Lake in Glacier National Park. I perked right up for that. I've been doing Cheri's charts since the early 90's--I remember working on one of Sequoia National Park in a huge jury panel room in Redwood City in 1991--strange the things that come back to me. I think she would be the perfect person to chart some of the beautiful scenes in the Canadian Rockies--and I told her so, early on in this cancer journey. Maybe tomorrow's task--along with packing for my trip to Saskatchewan on Friday--will be to finish the chart I started in the hospital in February. There is so little left to do that I can almost taste it--not enough to take it with me to Canada where I would surely finish it--no better to start something new to keep me entertained while I wait between planes.
I had an appointment downtown today--just went and came home--by way of Long's to turn in a prescription and Peninsula Hospital to get my blood work done for Thursday's oncologist appointment. No retail therapy--no visit to Mrs. Fields--just BART there and back. I sort of dozed through the beginning of the Giant's game this afternoon--then it got exciting. I love it when they win. I'm sure they do it just to make me feel better.


Victoria said...

What? You're going to CANADA too? You're becoming a poster child for this whole experience. Yosemite one weekend, a bit of chemo and then on to Canada!

Bad orcs-in-training. Bleah.

Bertamom said...

There are euphoria fairies?? I'll keep my eyes open - if I don't find any, maybe they're already heading your way.

At least in Canada, you should be well away from the smoke. Smells like I'm camping in my own house.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a shame you’ll be missing all the smoke here, but we’ll give you a blow by blow when you get back.

Well of course you dozed off during the game. Any sane person would. Baseball, darling, completely bor-ring.

You say they won? Good grief, they’d have to. Simple enough, not like soccer, you know.

Or like watching Tiger. Now there is excitement!

What? Not fast enough? Shall we move on to the real earthmovers? How ’bout a little football? Now, that is truly eye widening.

I’m so pleased you are off to the Land of the Mounties. Bring one home for me if they are handing out samples.