Sunday, June 1, 2008

Learned the skill!

So I'm backtracking a little--well, a lot. This is me, snowshoeing at Lake Louise in February, a few hours before the pain started that began this whole thing. I could have edited my posts, but I'm fairly sure no one really wants to go back to see what I added. So there we are.

I spent yesterday in a drugged haze, beating back orcs. It isn't that they weren't there, they were just in the next valley or forest. I'm not at all comfortable, but I'm also living better chemically and getting through it. Now I'm going to try using my new skill.

This is the first cranial prosthesis and the only one that matches anything I've ever looked like before. Elaine took all these shots after my last chemo in front of one of the walls of cards.
So this one is the same brand, sort of a chestnut brown. These are the sports models--apparently I can go swimming in them. Maybe after the wound heals.

This would be the blonde. I'm quite partial to this one. Glenn is worried about me losing brain cells while I wear it--I'm just worried about learning

to flip it correctly.

So now here's the redhead, ready to fiddle and/or take on the world. There's no contest or anything, but friends can vote.
Friday afternoon, before the orcs started to venture out, I mailed off the sweaters to the little girls. I kept thinking they live in Georgia, but after I found the address (that I TRIED to lose), I realized they are in North Carolina. My last picture for the day is of the sweaters. I hope they fit, hope they like them and can get some good use out of them.

I can see I still need to learn a little about composition--but, hey, you got pictures. Time for me to complete another sweater set so that I can move on to the next one. The "craft" room is becoming a death trap with bags of yarn. I'm knitting as fast as I can.


Anonymous said...

Anne: The sweaters are DARLING! Those are some lucky little girls. Several years ago I took up knitting. I can see that you are quite accomplished. Keep having fun - there are lots more soon to be lucky kids out there!
While the "normal" look is fine, you look so much younger in blonde (my first choice), then redhead, then chestnut. Don't worry about losing brain cells. You have them in great excess!
Hang in there - Marjorie McLaren

Victoria said...

Look at the pictures you posted! I feel quite justified in my teaching abilities...

Bertamom said...

Augh! I can't decide! Ok, I know I love the sweaters, but I can't choose which hair I like best. *sigh* I've always been indecisive . . . well, maybe not. (gg)

Wendy said...

Hi Anne! Keep on fighting those Orcs, you know you can win.

I love the chestnut brown and the redhead. :)

Take care,
love always
Wendy Eisenberg

Anonymous said...

Yeahhh! Lets hear it for the Blondini and the Red, White and , er, Grey, Red and Brown!

The pix are grrreat! Those itty bitty sweaters are ever so, you know, keeyute. Do you ever ask the moms for a photo of the babe in the said fashion sets? Make a nice album. Actually, that sounds kind of like raw eggs. Forget it.

Lets concentrate on how the hair swinging practice is going. That red mop looks pretty cute.

I liked that professional snow trudger look B.B.I. (Before Bodily Intervention). You told me once how you actually used your home gym contraptions. Talk about scary. But if you insist . . . Have you ever considered what it might mean symbolically, my dear? But don't worry, we will wean you off gradually.

Anonymous said...

OK....My grey is blah compared to your choices. Love your blog. thanks for life's insights.


Anonymous said...

OK....My grey is blah compared to your choices. Love your blog. thanks for life's insights.


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne! I like #1 - perhaps from habit, but also because it goes quite nicely with the outfit you are wearing in the pic. My second pick... oh heck, I can't decide between the blonde and the redhead. They're all very cute! Congrats on the new skills!