Monday, September 22, 2008


Today is the Autumnal Equinox. Now when I was a little girl, all seasons changed on the 21st, regular as clockwork. Now it moves around--or they have more specific ways of timekeeping and can pinpoint it more accurately. The point of this particular exercise is to note that I have now been dealing with cancer in one way or another in all four seasons of this year. It started in winter, lost the whole spring and summer to it, and here it is, autumn. The good news is that tomorrow I'm done with treatment. I don't know quite what's in store after that. I see my oncologist after my last radiation, so I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I know there is some recuperative time after radiation, and I know that life will never be the same. So here's to autumn, changing leaves, the earth preparing for winter. People way we don't have seasons here in the Bay Area. We do--they are just subtle. You have to appreciate small changes. I do.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Your cleaning comment made me laugh out loud. That's why I hate vacuuming. Especially when you have an aussie/border collie mix who goes outside, comes back in and generally takes half the backyard in with her. So pointless, the vacuuming!

I'm doing ok-- learning once again to ask people for help. Just what I needed-- a lesson from the universe. Thanks, universe.