Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Random thoughts

The mind is an amazing thing. I can remember that I was in horrible pain for a week or so in February, before my surgery, but I couldn't for the world remember how it felt. I can remember how scared I was when the incision opened with infection, and how miserable I was in the hospital, but I can only tell you that I was uncomfortable. I can remember the orc wars, but can't remember how sick I felt while they were going on, just that I felt really bad. I can remember that I was utterly exhausted when I seemed to have one red blood cell in my body, shuttling oxygen around, but again, I can't recapture the feeling. And those are all good things. As I can see the end of treatment (two more weeks of radiation), I remember that it was not fun, for the most part, but I don't remember specifics. Thank you, God, for making it work that way. After all this time, which in the big scheme of things wasn't' really that long, I am still overcome with feelings only of gratitude for the friends who have helped, and are continuing to help, along the way. There may yet be treats in store from the radiation, but I know that they, too, will pass and become a dim memory of something. There are still occasional "Why me" feelings, but they go away. I have known from the beginning that I will be fine. All of this has just been bumps in the road--a few major pot holes--but something that will be behind me soon.
That's it for today's musings.

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