Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 21

Our mother died 16 years ago today. I hope that means she's having a great Sweet Sixteen Party in heaven. I miss my mom every day--sometimes more than others. I especially think of her today and also on February 21's. That was the day she was diagnosed with leukemia. This year, it was the last day I worked, though I didn't know it at the time. I was planning on being back at my desk the following Monday and on the Snow Train to Reno the next day. I was not pleasantly surprised.
So what else has gone on in the last few days--not much. I was not overcome with a desire to clean. As a matter of fact, I learned that it is not such a good idea to clean at night--you miss lots of stuff. There I was, so proud of vacuuming the landing and four stairs--the stairs are still pretty clean, but the landing is covered with dust again--which makes the whole exercise pretty pointless. Think of how much more I could accomplish if I waited till it were hip deep.
The Giants lost yesterday, every PacTen team I rooted for lost yesterday--and yes, I did root for the Bruins. I'll root for them whenever they aren't playing my Bears. They are cousins, after all. Today was a problem, because the Giants and 49ers were on at the same time. We watched the football game. It didn't matter, because the Giants were still 0-0 against the Dodgers in the 11th inning after the 49ers won. Then I got to watch the Giants win. Altogether a satisfying day, even if I was reminded of a really bad day.
That's it for now--it's halftime between the Packers and Dallas. I have to root for the Packers because (a) they aren't Dallas and (b) their QB went to Cal. I generally don't know who to root for when there are Cal players on each side.

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